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HomeContinuing Medical Education

Continuing Medical Education (CME)


How appraised are you in the practices of Psychiatry?

As part of our mission as military psychiatrists, we have a duty to remain in sync with our profession's best practices. This duty is encouraged through Continuing Medical Education (CME). This is one of the means for our medical licenses and board certifications to maintain validity.

SUSP helps facilitate this by providing our own CME activities to provide credit to those who complete them. These activities serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, professional performance, and relationships that a psychiatrist uses to provide care to patients, the public, or the military.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Educational Events


ADHD in the Military: A Debate on the Pros and Cons of the Diagnosis for Military Service


The Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists is pleased to offer this virtual event. By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1) Recognize the differences between clinical standards and military standards
2) Explain the decision to access members with ADHD
3) Describe the decision to deny accession of members with ADHD
4) Discuss the differences between standards related to diagnosis and treatment


Lt Col Eric Meyer, MD, PhD 
Michael Segal, MD, PhD


From Dispensers to Collaborators: Building Relationships and Promoting Self-Efficacy in Psychiatric Medication Prescribing


The Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists is pleased to offer this virtual event. By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1) List three dimensions of Edward Bordin’s concept of the working alliance, and describe how these three dimensions relate to psychiatric medication prescribing.
2) Describe and evaluate ten distinctions between a “dispenser model” and a “collaborator model” of psychiatric prescribing.
3) List three ways that prescribing clinicians in an active duty military environment can foster agency and self-efficacy among service members.


Warren Kinghorn, MD, Th.D
Alli Webb, M.D.
Colin Smith, MD


Moral Injury: Reframing and Repair with Wendy Dean, MD


The Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists is pleased to offer “Moral Injury: Reframing and Repair".


Wendy Dean, MD
Alli Webb, M.D.
Colin Smith, MD


Continuing Certification: An Update from the ABPN President, Dr. Jeffrey Lyness


The Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists is pleased to offer “Continuing Certification: An Update from the ABPN. The session will begin with an overview of the rationale for continuing certification standards set by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and for the ABPN’s program, which meets those standards. The ABPN’s program will then be described in more detail, including the new Article-Based Continuing Certification (ABCC) Pathway; the ABCC has received a remarkably positive reception and helps physicians and physician practice groups enhance their own lifelong learning. The session will conclude with a preview of the ABMS’ upcoming revised standards, which take effect in 2024, featuring comments about how the ABPN will ensure that its programs meet those standards. There will be time for questions and discussion with the participants.


Dr. Jeffrey M. Lyness, M.D., ABPN President and CEO
Alli Webb, M.D.


Bridging Military and Civilian Psychiatry: Differences in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Adjustment Disorders


Clinicians and researchers have long recognized the need to characterize transient psychiatric distress that may be temporarily impairing. From 2016-2020, 30.8% of all behavioral health diagnoses in the military were adjustment disorders. Through a panel conversation, we will present data on the utilization of this diagnosis throughout the military, and the structural/administrative factors that overtly and covertly incentivize clinicians to make the diagnosis. We will explore the use of adjustment disorders in the civilian world, characterizing the differences on inpatient services and consultation liaison services, calling into question the policies that prevent hospital systems from billing for treatment related to the diagnosis of adjustment disorder.


David A. Nissan, M.D.
Benjamin Taylor, M.D.
Daniel Knoepflmacher, M.D.
Eric Meyer, M.D.
Alli Webb, M.D.


DoD/VA Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of MDD: An Update


The 2022 revision of the 2016 MDD CPG includes recommendations related to short term psychodynamic psychotherapy, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, use of second generation antipsychotics, and use of ketamine/esketamine. This review will also describe the research body as it relates to telemedicine, which has become very popular since the start of the pandemic.


LTC Vincent Capaldi, MD
COL Scott Williams, MD


Preparing Team Members in High-Risk Occupations to Manage Acute Stress Reactions


A discussion reviewing Acute Stress Reactions, the implementation of iCOVER research, and the operational applicability.


Dr. Amy Adler, PhD
Clinical Research Psychologist & Senior Scientist
Center for Military Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research


Stellate Ganglion Block for PTSD


The Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists is pleased to offer “Stellate Ganglion Block for PTSD". Learners will be able to describe the neurobiological bases of Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Discussion will also include clinical applications, considerations for system-wide implementation, and referral options.


Dr. Sean Mulvaney

Dr. James Lynch


Sleep, Neurodegeneration, and the Glymphatic System


A Discussion reviewing the current understanding of glymphatic function, covering some of the evidence linking it to sleep, waste clearance, and possibly to neurodegeneration.

Speaker: J. Kent Werner, Jr., MD


Esketamine and Ketamine for the Treatment of Mood Disorders


A Discussion of the relevant neurobiology and clinical trial data related to ketamine and esketamine in the treatment of mood disorders.


Speaker: Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD, Yale University School of Medicine


MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD



Who: Dr. Rick Doblin, Dr. Rachel Yehuda, CAPT(ret) Bob Koffman, Lt Col(ret) Mark Bates, CPT Aaron Wolfgang

Why: Results of this treatment for PTSD have been promising, and with potential FDA-approval estimated for 2023, it will be important for military psychiatrists to weigh in

Who: Dr. Rachel Yehuda & CPT Aaron Wolfgang


Cultural Psychiatry & the Military Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)


On Dec 15, 2020, SUSP and USU hosted an asynchronous lecture series on the Cultural Formulation Interview followed by a live Q&A session on zoom with guest speakers Drs. Francis Lu, Roberto Lewis-Fernandez, and Eric Meyer.

Video links to the pre-event video series and the recording of the live Q&A are below: It was intended that these videos on cultural psychiatry and the CFI were to be viewed before the live panel Q&A session at the bottom:

Cultural Psychiatry (31 min) – Dr. Lewis-Fernandez

The Cultural Formulation (37 min) – Dr. Francis Lu

The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) (29 min) – Dr. Lewis-Fernandez

A Brief Overview of a Proposed Military Version of the CFI (11 min) – Dr. Eric Meyer

Live Q&A panel session via Zoom


SUSP is a private organization; the views expressed do not represent those of the U.S. government or the Department of Defense. SUSP in not authorized to serve as an intermediary for purposes of providing patient care.

Contact Us


574E Ritchie Highway, #271

Severna Park, MD 21146

1-855-388-SUSP (7877)

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Society of Uniformed Services Psychiatrists